Saturday, June 8, 2013

T4 - Prepare for the Reading

  Let's face it, FCE Reading Exam can be no picnic at the park. It's not so much that it's difficult, but the truth is it's kind of exhausting (a.k.a. boring!). At least to me, it is. The good news is that, since the answers are all there, all you really have to do is focus. Trust me, if I can do it, so can YOU!
  But there are some important tips that may help you get that perfect grade you're looking for. Check them out:

  • Read the sources, titles and subtitles of the texts where given – they are there to help you.
  • Read each text carefully before you answer the questions to get an overall impression and understanding of it. This includes Part 3, the multiple-matching task.
  • Check the words around the gap carefully. Remember, the missing word(s) may form part of an idiom, fixed phrase or collocation. (Part 2)
  • Check that the completed paragraph makes sense in the passage as a whole. Remember, the missing sentence must fit the context of the passage. (Part 2)
  • Keep an overall idea of the development of the text. You will need to check that the sentences chosen to fit the gaps in the base text fit the progression of the argument or narrative as a whole. (Part 2)
  • Read the questions carefully and check each option against the text before rejecting it. (Part 2) 
  • Don't try to answer any questions without referring carefully to the text.
  • Don't spend too much time on any one part of the paper.
  • Don't forget to record your answers on the separate answer sheet.
  • Don't assume that if the same word appears in the text as well as in an option, this means you have located the answer.
  Here's a video with tips and techniques on how to prepare for the FCE Reading Exam.

And since practice makes perfect, why not take a few minutes and try some online exercises? Click on the links below:

* Flo-Joe
* Exam English
* Using English

If you need any extra help, leave me a message and I'll do whatever I can to help you!

Take care. Bye bye!

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