Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Damn you, Past Participle!!

 Teaching Past Participle is usually a challenge, for teachers AND students. There's no way around the memorizing struggle and even if you do study, you're bound to forget some of the verbs when you need them the most.
 To help my T3 students print those mean little verbs in their heads, I created a fun game they all enjoyed playing. It goes as follows:
 Students were "tied" leg to leg in pairs. One student held a pencil; the other, an eraser. For each pair, I taped a paper on the wall with a list of verbs in the present and a blank column to be filled with the past participle.
 When the music was playing, they had to write down as many of the past participle verbs they could remember. Whenever it stopped, they had to stop writing, run around the class, erase ONE of the other pairs verbs and take a peak at what they had written so they could copy on their paper. The music only stopped for a few seconds and when it was playing again they had to run back to their papers and start writing. The game was over when I turned off the lights.
 The pair with the highest number of accurate answers won the game. Although there will never be a miracle technique to memorize past participle verbs, this game sure helped them practise and was tons of fun!

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