Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Goal n°6 - Be a Beam

At this time of the year, we usually start to feel a little tired, a little stressed out and our "light" seems to fade a little. I know I do, and I know my students do, too. With that in mind, I decided that my goal for October planning should be to try and spark things up a bit for myself and also refuel my students energy. So I tried to create some different games, make some changes to otherwise "boring" exercises and move my students around more. And since it was Halloween month, candies helped me a lot with the process! Their dentists will be a little upset, but students were all for it!

Saturday, October 26, 2013

J2 - Speeches

  J2 performed their first longer speech. Well, not a speech per say, they actually wrote an essay on their favorite animals and read it in front of the class. It was the cutest thing ever!

Saturday, October 5, 2013